Les actes du 147 ème Symposium Nobel, intitulé "Going Digital" et qui s'est tenu à Stockolm du 23 au 26 Juin 2009, ont été publiés en anglais au premier trimestre 2011.
Voici la table des matières:
Nicolas Barker, "Google, Gutenberg and earlier revolutions in communication"
Adriaan Van der Weel, "Explorations in the Libroverse"
Lisbet Rausing, "Do libraries dream of electric sheep?"
Peter Suber, "Open access for digitization projects"
Alain Giffard, "Digital reading and industrial readings"
Kevin Guthrie, "Sustaining platforms for knowledge dissemination in the digital age"
Terje Hillesund, "Digital humanities: why worry about reading?"
Magdalena Gram, "Digitisation in practice - an ALM perspective"
Martin Bossenbroek, "Circulation of knowledge: reconstructing the 17th century dutch republic of letters"
Laurent Romary, "Stabilising knowledge through standars: a perspective for humanities"
Anke Lüdeling, "Corpora in lingistics: sampling and annotation"
Gregory Crane,"From subjects to citizens in a global republic of letters"
Marco Beretta, "Digital history of science: integrating texts with artefacts"
Emma Rothschild, "The future of history".
(Robert Darnton était aussi intervenu).
Going Digital, Evolutionary and revolutionary aspects of digitization, Karl Grandin ed., Nobel Symposia, Center for the History of Science at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 2011
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